SAR Aero Services


Our visionary leaders recognised a lack of proper channels for organisations in Malaysia and Asia-Pacific, to receive advanced Search & Rescue (SAR) training for their crew. That’s where we step in. SAR Aero Services establishes a local sanctuary for Advanced SAR training, eliminating the need for overseas reliance.


We bring experts from France to our shores, making us the sole provider of such specialised training in Malaysia. No longer do these organisations need to bear the burden of sending their crew to France, incurring immense expenses to acquire competence in advanced SAR missions.

Our training programmes are a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. Need us to train your crew to be SAR experts by using your fleet of aircraft? No problem. We will meticulously craft the perfect training syllabi that meet your organisation’s distinct needs and ensure that they adhere to certified standards.

Beyond enhancing SAR capabilities within the country, our dedication fostered a close-knit community of skilled rescuers, united by a shared purpose of saving lives.

SAR Aero Services

Training Future World-Class Life Savers.